Diamond industry create opportunities for illicit trade, including trade in conflict diamonds, Conflict diamonds are primarily associated with four countries: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the production or trade of diamonds have played a role in fueling domestic conflict, That’s why South Africa started The Kimberley Process that is and agreement to make sure that the diamonds mining doesn’t come from the conflict that is call free diamonds.
There is a bank in Africa for the miners, the Provider to mine workers with Access to finance. This is an experience born in 2001 and has come to control mining on the continent. His whole function is based on the strategy of Ubuntu where culture has an important role. More specific areas of development are the growth, security, fairness, and above all a great social responsibility. Ethics is much sought as a single dishonest act has a major negative impact on everything that has to do with the company, there is also sought for environmental responsibility being given a safety work. For all that this system has become recognized throughout the world and is a very important business system where communication and information are essential. You have there a large organizational environment where everyone has clear goals and objectify and where learning is essential to keep up to date with new technologies.
Ubuntu search ethics, if one person is dishonest, it is a negative impact in the company. There is an Equity Plan for developed people with potential. It seeks to develop all kinds of competencies on workers, seeking not only their development but to the whole society or environment. Wanted for the same thing has a lot of communication which must always keep accurate and timely information. The business and its management are therefore very good elements related to communication, motivation of employees who understand that the progress of the company necessarily has to do with his progress.
All this has led to the growing investment and mining activity comes to us as a generator of bloodshed as usual. Because maining activities in Africa particulary as the diamond mining concerns has been full of conflict and problems. So Ubuntu seeks to break that trend by taking into account that people are the most important part of any company. All this has led to a culture change in the way of doing business.
What is Ubuntu? How was it applied to support the merging process of the two companies?
Unbutu is a process and philosophy that would drive the chance management process and the achievement of the invertors in People standard at African Bank Miners credit. Ubuntu is aligned with the IIP standard sought to achieve, is premised on the philosophy that one finds one’s own humanity Helping others to find theirs.
This process is allocated in areas like the organization, evaluation and development, creating a working environment that is beneficial to the company and the employee.
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