martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

East Asia


The styles of doing business in Japan and Korea may have similar styles in some respects but differ in others because in both countries have different cultural aspects that necessarily have to influence business.

For example in the way of doing business in Japan are these features:

  • Relationships are an important factor in relation to competitiveness in Japan.
  • Workers involved in business while maintaining levels of command that are essential in Japan.
  • Japanese firms take into account consumers but also to competition.
  • There must be a connection between product design and production.
  • Corporate values seem to guide a Japanese firm’s organization.

For its part the way you do business in Korea shows like Japanese who attaches great importance to relations, but in Korea there is certain authoritanianism to do business and is especially necessary to take into account that many businesses are familiar. But business generally used similar words. In general not much different but you can not say that they are not very convergent in their styles.

In this process there are three important factors: different cultures, levels of development and internationalization different and used different ways of doing business with dissimilar strategies and goals.


When Japan and Korea two Asian countries the way you do business may have similar elements, but despite being on the same continent between these countries there are culture differences and a different degree of development which influences the style of doing business in the strategies, importance is given to the environment, relationships and as given in each of them, human resources, and of course handling the relationship with the client.

But while there are differences you can see that in general there looks very similar elements between these two ways of doing business and is further that with respect to management of the workers there were differences between the two countries, this important element as it affects with the human resources that each manages. In Korea is not given much importance to workers in the business as if it gets in Japan. Also there is different level of development between the two nations, as Japan developed more rapidly than Korea.

But while there are differences you can see that in general there look very similar elements between these two ways of doing business and in addition is that Japan is also more inclined to analyze the environment, besides giving differences in the degree of analysis of same. The more Koreans now consider a highly developed technology and is in addition to Korean companies seeking more internationalization.

All this clearly shows that cultural differences may affect the way we do business and may generally convergences and differences when comparing the two countries and their development in the business world.

Class presentation and compulsory reading
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