martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


Undoubtedly Guanxi has been a vital factor in the existence of Chinese business and has been very helpful in the process of internationalization of Chinese enterprises. The Gauxi is only establish relations based on interests involve in particular the generally the same as looking for a mutually beneficial, But however it should not be considered the only factor in the surge of China globally. Also in all this has been very important internal social mechanism of this Asian country. But allocation of Guanxi is very important considering that this is given taking into account two perspectives: relationships horizontally and vertically. Guanxi is to do that has contributed greatly to china’s economy to be applied in the manufacturing sector.
The horizontal elements of this process have been applied in production, as market and product distribution. Also see that Chinese businesses have the ability to specialize in niche markets or industries, producing products having to do with it.
One element to consider is that consumers are very important and Guanxi give discount available to them; they send gifts and of course also maintain full contact with them. So we can ay that Guanxi is a specific form of more effective business relations taking into account that international competition is increasingly intense and therefore better strategies are needed to propose objectives.
So not only China but many Asian countries consider Guanxi as an excellent tool to expand their markets. In general it appears that in China and other countries interpersonal relationships are necessary in business as these have provided some contacts. But do not believe it is a basic tool can be used but also can use other strategies to achieve better business results. But in the world of the internationalization of business on Guanxi leaves have a vital importance for anyone wishing to do business with China. As a conclusion: we must not think of Guanxi as a unique tool for doing business with China and yet we must accept that A stable, long term Guanxi is a relationship that generates long-term mutual benefits, But remembering that this is based on continuous social interaction and mutual help.

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Expatriates are individuals who are assigned a different place for a short period of time and then are brought back to the origin country.

This can give because it requires a certain location a person who knowledge of strategies and processes of the company, which can take place abroad in an appropriate way and that in turn transferred their knowledge to others. But in this case the companies can make mistakes like not having a good plan, does not have a good selection criteria for candidates, not taking into account cultural differences, but in addition there are these problems:

• The time period is very short.
• Some early return.
• Sometimes can not find a job waiting.
• Not succession plans.
• Return expectations are not met.

All see that in this there is much discrimination against females.
All this takes in without a whole process can be successful provided you choose the right staff, to allow more aware about what is going to do and give general knowledge of the culture where it goes. You must also have adequate preparation in the language, business practices, legal knowledge is also the expatriate experts consider that there is good preparation, financial reward, and to take into account the situation of his family. According to the country to which they are assigned may have problems that need to be made fully aware of the region to go to dons are not many difficulties.


One reason why the expatriation failure is not known because the culture of the countries you are going to go, so it is essential that the person be trained in language, cultural aspects, so where they do business, as build relationships. Is necessary to choose the right person to be: responsible, able to learn, tolerance for cultural differences, with ability to adjust to different situations and can manage in any environment. It should also offer good rewards or incentives and ensure that the return is counted with a fixed job which motivated him to perform well in their work out to the country.
Because of that it requires more preparation because without that little can achieve and fulfill the objectives of this process because it must be a person capable of learning and change.


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East Asia


The styles of doing business in Japan and Korea may have similar styles in some respects but differ in others because in both countries have different cultural aspects that necessarily have to influence business.

For example in the way of doing business in Japan are these features:

  • Relationships are an important factor in relation to competitiveness in Japan.
  • Workers involved in business while maintaining levels of command that are essential in Japan.
  • Japanese firms take into account consumers but also to competition.
  • There must be a connection between product design and production.
  • Corporate values seem to guide a Japanese firm’s organization.

For its part the way you do business in Korea shows like Japanese who attaches great importance to relations, but in Korea there is certain authoritanianism to do business and is especially necessary to take into account that many businesses are familiar. But business generally used similar words. In general not much different but you can not say that they are not very convergent in their styles.

In this process there are three important factors: different cultures, levels of development and internationalization different and used different ways of doing business with dissimilar strategies and goals.


When Japan and Korea two Asian countries the way you do business may have similar elements, but despite being on the same continent between these countries there are culture differences and a different degree of development which influences the style of doing business in the strategies, importance is given to the environment, relationships and as given in each of them, human resources, and of course handling the relationship with the client.

But while there are differences you can see that in general there looks very similar elements between these two ways of doing business and is further that with respect to management of the workers there were differences between the two countries, this important element as it affects with the human resources that each manages. In Korea is not given much importance to workers in the business as if it gets in Japan. Also there is different level of development between the two nations, as Japan developed more rapidly than Korea.

But while there are differences you can see that in general there look very similar elements between these two ways of doing business and in addition is that Japan is also more inclined to analyze the environment, besides giving differences in the degree of analysis of same. The more Koreans now consider a highly developed technology and is in addition to Korean companies seeking more internationalization.

All this clearly shows that cultural differences may affect the way we do business and may generally convergences and differences when comparing the two countries and their development in the business world.

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miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010


The history of immigration to Canada is very long and has contributed to specific demographic elements in this country, contributing to a national identity. In this country, immigrants have come from all over the world especially from Europe, but also come from Australia, Africa and of course U.S.
There was a golden age in Canada that did very attractive as a destination for immigration. Canada has various immigrations treaties after 1950, finding that at the time the immigrants came mainly from developing economies, which led to problems such as competition for jobs; so in Canada has proceeded to establish immigration laws clear to prevent excessive growth of these groups.
But yet all the advantages and opportunities that Canada suggests are immigration continues to increase especially from the countries of Africa, Latin America and east Europe, like Russia for example. It is believed that many inhabitants of countries, whose economies can collapse if hypothetically the oil as a resource runs out, travel to Canada in search of opportunities.
Anyway whatever you say about the future of Canada and immigration is just a speculation. But nevertheless sees that Canadian law regarding immigration has changed to avoid an excessive influx of immigrants as that seen in 1920.

In some way is for sovereignty of the country, but also is a form of discrimination try to an inordinate increase of immigrants in this nation, whereas these may have negatives effects against the development of the society and this culture.
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Managing diversity is a competitive advantage on new trends that are high customer expectation, global competition, and technological changes. In managing diversity different things are good and open from different perspectives. The diversity is a human resource capital in three areas:

  • Achieve decision quality.
  • Improve connecting with customer that are more exigent today.
  • Innovating with new and old ideas, using new combinations.
But is important to know that achieving productive with diversity is difficult because is necessary a new perspective of things, include change in the organizational culture because diversity is a source of competitive advantage when represents a commitment with values, beliefs and norms of the organization.
Many organizations have opted for diversity as IBM, with excellent results. Have been taken into account all the elements in different parts of the world and have taken eight specific items, thus enhancing work with clients according to their cultures and beliefs. These are:
  • Asians culture: stereotyping, employee’s development, marketing.
  • Blacks: representation, retention, education, marketing.
  • People with disabilities: recruiting, fund poor accommodation.
  • White men: executive accountability, education and awareness.
  • Women: career advancement, succession panning, flexibility and business strategy.
  • Gays, lesbian, bisexual, transgender individuals: cosmetic partner benefits, education.
  • Hispanics: recruiting, employee, development and talent pipelines.
  • Native Americans: recruiting, community outreach
The concern for diversity has helped to attract many IBM diverse customers and for IBM that makes good business in the world. This shows that diversity can bring many benefits to businesses.


Yes, because that IBM has achieved a greater number of customers around the world, to accept diversity in all groups.
Yes, because they analyzed all possible aspects that have diversity in the world, and were considered to address specifically to each group according to their own particular needs.

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Exploring diversity is important to understand what make us different or similar within a group, there are some important factors to take in count like age, religion status, gender, health and physical conditions.

The diversity is present in all aspects of life today; this is a reality that can not be denied. Businesses clear that not exception to this, and we must take the diversity into account as a factor that must be established as important in the workplace. Although we have sought homogenization of society, this is something they achieve imposable differences appear aspects such as religion, race, culture, etc.

The diversity has dimensions that are: invisible, visible, and core. There must be tolerance and there is no discrimination in terms of diversity in any aspect, and above all have a great acceptance towards multicultural.


Do you think the entry and integration of new members to the European Union are processes that promote diversity? Or, on the contrary, strive to homogenize the European society.

Promotes diversity if accepted the differences in thoughts and cultures of other members without forcing them to accept notions that have no relation with them and form part of the culture of others. Because sometimes for the sake of diversity that is sought is to force the homogenization without respect for others.
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lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010


The corporate culture is not a myth , is a reality, it exists in all corporations, but should consider whether the particular company that exists is right for the good performance of the same , Each culture takes time to developed, culture is a matter of what people believe. Culture is the configuration of learned behavior, whose elements are shared and transmitted by members of an organization. Culture determines the way a business works; this is reflected in strategies, structures and systems implemented over the years of operation thereof.

Organizational culture is the backbone of the organization that is present in all functions and actions undertaken by all members. This arises in society, is given by the resources that society provides and is an active factor that promotes the development of that society.

Culture determines the way a business works, this is reflected in strategies, structures and systems that has the same and can be learned, evolves with new experiences, and may be changed for the better if it understood the dynamics of the learning process.

The above has the particular culture of behavior manifested by significant members of an organization, which provide the same behavior and are identified through a set of management practices and Supervisory, as elements of organizational dynamics.

It is important to know the type of organizational culture, because the values and norms will influence behavior of individuals.

It has been observed in the different approaches to organizational culture that culture is valued as an overview for understanding the behavior of organizations, on the other side as a way to know in depth the leadership roles, the power of managers as transmitters of the culture of organizations. Many companies are very rigid and do not like change, they think that if a certain behavior has served for years, why change it? Not take into account changes occurring in the environment surrounding the company.

The change process encompasses all activities aimed at helping the organization to successfully adopt new attitudes, new ideas and new forms of work performance.

It is also a process through which an organization becomes so different from what was at one time before. A change process occurs very efficiently if everyone is committed to it.


Do you consider managing diversity a key success factor in the performance or virtual teams?
Both elements: diversity and virtual teams are important, because they help the good performance of the companies but would be good to use together for better results. The use of virtual teams which have allowed corporations to provide services globally. However, to be efficient, we must consider a number of factors, ranging from the selection of its members, until adequate infrastructure.
The members of team should be well chosen. Must be a small number preferably not more than eight, with complementary skills, but with an essential skill communication. In addition, all must be very clear about expected results and each team member.

The team members must have qualities necessary for good work should be disciplined and have the ability to make decisions .a coordinated effort among members help to achieve the desired objectives.

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